Wedding Planning – Grooms Get Nervous Too

Wedding Planning – Grooms Get Nervous Too

Wedding Planning - Wedding Stories

Here’s something to consider: Wedding planning does not just stress out the girls. The groom might be feeling the same kind of pressure, even if he doesn’t speak up as much. All the wedding talk and wedding planning, wedding cake tasting, wedding invites and wedding decorations might all just be a bit too much for him from time to time. If you sense that your guy is getting a tat overwhelmed, you may want to consider pulling the wedding planning brakes just for a little bit and pay some attention to putting his mind at ease instead of getting upset thinking that he doesn’t care as much as you do, cause I’m sure that’s not the case. Stereotypically speaking, we (women) put a lot more attention to details and can talk about the wedding stuff 24/7 but for men it’s normally much more simple than that. You need guests, music, food, alcohol and you are all set. All the other stuff like decoration, colours, shapes and details in general just make them think “money, money and more money”.

Break Away

It could be really nice for you and your fiancé to leave the house for a bit and get away for a relaxing day with no wedding planning talks! Just you too, nice dinner, good wine and a good old fashioned “dessert” 🙂 Even if it’s just for one night somewhere in a nice hotel. This might be just what it takes to relax your guy’s nerves and take his mind away from all the wedding planning stuff!


Actually quite similar to option 1. Get your groom out of the house and make sure to make him sweat. Exercise will pump up the endorphins in his body and release the stress. Go running, cycling, swimming, whatever it is that your groom enjoys to do and guaranteed that it will take his mind of wedding related topics.

Get Tipsy

Instead of staying at home night after night organizing and wedding planning, hit the town and get some good old fashioned drinking going. Get a little tipsy, have fun, dance the night away and avoid any wedding related conversations. Let him enjoy a good night out and forget about constantly having to make decisions.

Men’s Night Out

Let him have a wedding free night with his buddies. Meanwhile you can just hang with your girls and talk even more wedding and get it out of your system while he can relax with his friends and enjoy stereotyped men stuff. Watch some football, drink beer, play poker, anything manly will do cause let’s be honest, choosing your centerpieces or the colour of your table cloths is not something that a man would normally do.

*Advice: Make sure that you both enjoy the process of planning your special day and try to find a healthy balance. After all, you are about to celebrate your love and have the most amazing day of your lives!

Now, to add some humor and put a smile on your faces you have to watch this video about wedding planning together. Trust me, you will love it!

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